TLS Weight Loss + Wellness Course
New Group Coaching Classes Starting in Every Month
Will you be our next success story? Wanna look better, feel better, lose weight, or have more energy?
We’re looking for new students to add to our success stories! September’s group is the “Find Your Fit Challenge” group if you start by Thursday September 13th!
Weekly phone coaching calls make this 12-week course affordable and easy for anyone, no matter your busy schedule, serving students from New York to California. No worries about traffic or commute to get to your class! Get your friends, family, or co-workers to do the program with you and get a bonus $25 gift card!
Do You Know You Want to Lose that Weight?
Register NOW to reserve your spot in our upcoming weight loss class. We have included your course materials (DVDs, book, food journal, vitamin/supplements) in your registration so it is EASY for you to get results in the first month, setting you up with resources to help you stay on track for 12 weeks. Learn new habits in the first month, learn how to keep them for life for the rest of the course. We guarantee results* OR your money back!
TLS Weight Loss + Wellness Course Details
Want a leaner, healthier you NOW? Get off the dieting treadmill for good! Get smarter with science and lifestyle strategies.
If you’ve been trying to lose weight through exercise, or cutting back on food, but haven’t gotten the results you’re aiming for, don’t give up! This TOTAL program covers all aspects of healthy weight management. If you or anyone you know is overweight, chronically tired, hypoglycemic or is dealing with diabetes or heart related illnesses, join us in the next TLS Weight Loss and Wellness Group Course. Learn how to get rid of that stubborn belly fat and elsewhere while improving your health.
In a clinical trial, this program helped people lose 2 times the weight and 3 times the waist inches of those following Atkins, Weight Watchers, or the Zone. Our coaching team has seen even better results with our clients up to 3in-5in from their waist in the first month.
Easy and Simple
In a supportive and fun atmosphere, you learn how to implement this program, designed by health professionals and based on an easy-to-read best-selling health book, “Dare to Lose” (written by Dr. Shari Lieberman with Nancy Bruning).
Here’s what our happy graduates have to say:
“I was skeptical at first, but I lost 3 inches around my waist the very first month…”
“I don’t feel deprived, I can do this for the rest of my life…”
“Now I have the tools to eat smarter and never think about another fad diet again.”
“I used to get colds all the time. Since committing to this program, I haven’t gotten a cold in months!”
Now that you’ve seen and heard what Transitions can do for you, register for our teleseminar group class, or for individual coaching:
Tele-conference calls once a week and email support throughout the week. Individual consultations as necessary and a medical expert is available for any additional support.
Our very reasonable fee of $498** includes 12-weeks of group coaching sessions to help you change your habits permanently and enjoy the health and body you’ve been longing for.
**PLUS: Journal and guidebook, DVDs, meal plans, exercise tips, recipes, 30-day introductory vitamin and supplement kit to support your weight loss (over $300 value).
We have a commitment to a small-group class size so that you get enough time and personal attention for your success. Guarantee your spot in the class by registering now!
We’ve created several options for you so that you can get the help you want. You will be working directly with Jennifer Cheng, an experienced personal trainer and wellness consultant who has been mentored by top health professionals and chefs in the U.S. and Europe. She is known as a healthy foodie so that you can find ways to keep your cravings satisfied with creative advice from your practical and compassionate coach. This course is for everyone from forgetful foodies, anyone stuck-in-a-rut, junk food bingers to chocolate lovers.
Need to work with your budget? Register with a deposit of $250 to reserve your space in the class and get your course materials sent to you.
CLICK on the shopping cart item below to get a pull down menu for your choice of registration. Individual coaching available also–please contact us for more information.
* When students follow the course guidelines, everyone I have personally coached has seen results with losing belly fat and more!